2 scenes

Scenes by Ruby
Hey everyone! My name is Ruby and I'm so excited to be part of this messy family! I've know The Man forever, so when The Wife told me about this, I jumped at the chance to get messy. In my downtime, I love reading steamy books, going to a lot of conventions, meeting celebrities, and adding to my huge Funko collection. I love anything that is pop culture and I'm a true superhero nerd.Tagged female
Ruby's 30 Pie Barrage
Added 1/19/24    2120 views    1
In only her second messy shoot, a visibly nervous Ruby takes on our 30 pie barrage! That means she's about to be hit with 30 total pies rapid fire style from both The Wife on one side and The Man on the other. These pies have various fillings, are m...
Ruby's First Time
Added 12/1/23    3017 views    1
Here we find The Wife and Melody getting ready to welcome our newest girl to set... Ruby! She's super nervous, but The Wife and Melody are very excited. And since no one has seen the script yet, all they have to do now is go over it before the scene...

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