2 scenes

Scenes by Tiffany
Hey everyone, my name is Tiffany! I'm a total hippie, and I love all things witchy and spooky. I really like going to music festivals, but my favorite thing is being home with my cats. I found out about pies and slime because of Britney and have had a blast so far!Tagged female
The Sleepover 3
Added 8 days ago    1501 views    3
Melody, Tiffany, and Courtney are dressed in their favorite pajamas and seem to be having a sleepover on set! Pondering what to do, Courtney suggests a high stakes game of rock-paper-scissors. She says the loser of each round gets a nice big pie to...
Tiffany's First Time
Added 8/18/23    2687 views    1
Britney has been on set only once so far, but that isn't stopping her from bringing a friend! Meet Tiffany, who has no issue suggesting that Britney isn't very qualified to give a set tour. She brings up Britney's inexperience and points out how she...

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