Love you, too
Ellie is a good sport. She went through a marathon of pies and slime here and was entertaining until the very end. She's very charming and candid. Keep these Fan Mail videos coming!
Dr. Frankenslime 12/30/22
 Love you, too
"Q&a, p&s (Pies and Slime)"
This was a blast to read through and get to know Ellie a little more :) yes... as always... the Butt Pie question was mine. Sorry :p The pie hits and slime are awesome, it definitely has the feel that everyone is having a good time! Oh and Ellie's hair! awesome! This women can do no wrong when it comes to hair dye! or pie! I will do my utmost never to ask the "what do you think of butt pies!" question again, I am afraid I cannot promise anything. :) I really do hope these become a tradition, as the change to get to know the artists is always a plus, and I think really adds something to our sticky little community here when we can appreciate who we are as well as how messy we can get. Bravo tmtwts, leading by example as always!
PiePermissionAtPlay 12/14/21
 Love you, too
"Did she have as much fun at it shows?"
I do believe that they incorporated literally every question, because I heard one that sounded a little like mine credited to whomever asked it, but later on I heard my name with my two-part question.
Since this had so many questions, it took 28 minutes to get through all of them, but that does include some behind the scenes and the extra "I don't know" triggers that didn't get the attention they deserve. Nice to have the after mess mess, when it's not expected.
Maybe they will do them unannounced next time. Start sliming for no particular reason, and when she asks why, then explain how many times she said, "I don't know."
I'm already thinking up interesting questions to ask Bree, Lilly, Violet and even Tori now for when they each do their versions of this scene.
Twidget 8/1/21
 Love you, too
"Ellie answers your hard-hitting questions"
A lot of us asked Ellie questions, and she answered honestly. A couple of the questions ended with her engulfed with slime, but most of them got her pied. One answer was hilarious, and the Wife took full advantage of the set-up. Later, much to her surprise, Ellie discovered said the trigger phrase... twice.
This was a fun way to get to know Ellie. See if your question made it
Highly recommended.
deadpool 7/26/21