Love you, too
"Amazing thrown pies, great performances, and chill vibe-love it!"
Wonderful understated performances by two gorgeous and super-funny women. Amazing thrown pies (my favorite) with great reactions from the Wife and Elle. The comfortable relationships of everyone involved makes for a great chill vibe. I really love videos that are creative and where the humor and concept really works and isn't forced or too scripted sounding and this one is that 100%! Cheers!
kzpies1 9/19/21
 Love you, too
"SuPie Mario with two cute chicks!"
Nerds... and pies... a combination I knew I wanted since the first video by tmtw where the wife plays a nerd who gets slimed whilst wearing glasses... Now this... thiiis was awesome! Amazing pies, and seriously, imaginative setting and plot. The really underplayed reactions to the fact the game just unleashed pies on them is really just something else, and kinda hot (sorry, tmi). As with most video games (at least in the good old days) I really hope this becomes a series with several sequels, spin offs, returning characters and level ups! Keep doing what you're doing, we love you for it!
PiePermissionAtPlay 12/16/20
 Love you, too
These two cute nerds are in boxers and glasses, just playing an old school n.e.s. game, when they see a game they hadn't tried before. The game gets them pied. A lot. It's remarkable how much the two don't flinch in the skit, especially Ellie. The classic Gradius Code, aka the Konami Code, comes into play at the end. The skit is followed by the two ladies goofing around, and playing in the slop.
Check this out; Ellie and the Wife have a great chemistry, and great comedic timing, together.
deadpool 11/9/20
 Love you, too
"If you're even thinking about buying this one, do it."
Honestly this is one of the best scenes I've seen in a Long Time. cute pie targets, expertly thrown pies, and a fun setup that definitely allows for a sequel-- either in the form of a rematch, or of The Wife playing against a new opponent.
If you've read this far, stop reading and start watching-- trust me on this!
flansomeman 10/17/20