Love you, too
"You Look So... Good... in Slime."
How well this scene worked just visually, reminded me of a George Straight song from the '90s. Lilly gave an Oscar winning performance in every part of her presentation. Knowing that at the end, she would get slimed as well with the recycled compilation, you never could tell by the look on her face, or by anything she said. Each of these recipes would be worth trying out when I was a producer, but one to me, stands out. I'm going to attempt to spell it since it's only spoken.
The way it flows, sticks, and shines throughout the last part of the scene is purely remarkable. I could consider sponsoring a scene (or four of course) where this is the primary or at least first mess used. I like it that much. I would add one more rating above Excellent for this one. Phenomenal.
Twidget 3/15/21
 Love you, too
"It Takes All Types (of Slime!) to Make a World"
I love it when a wam video features two girls but only one of them gets messy while the other stays clean. It's really funny, and also much more humiliating for the girl getting messy and therefore hot. This is just such a fun, playful video with natural chemistry between the Wife and Lilly that I can't recommend it enough. It goes without saying that the slime in this is simply sensational. Gallon upon gallon pours over the poor Wife, as thick as it is plentiful--just how I like it! Of course it would be no fun if the clean girl stayed that way forever, so don't worry--Lily and her overalls get their turn! Don't skip this one, slime lovers.
MudBathingBoi 2/20/21
 Love you, too
"Entertaining and educational!"
Lilly tricks the Wife into saying the magic words, causing her to be engulfed in slime. That's when Lilly tells her, and us, that that was the main recipe. She then proceeds to slather the Wife with each recipe of slime out there. You can tell how close of a friend Lilly is she's trying so hard to not laugh. A must-watch, for all slime fans out there.
deadpool 12/27/20