Love you, too
While the clean-to-green scene was four shorts for each of them, Lilly adds to the full slime session with nothing held back. Having Ellie on hand to make sure it's delivered well, really adds to this.
The end surprise slime at the dining tableis about as good as it gets, I would have excluded that in the teaser photos and the writeup to make it even more impactful, but it was only explained after the fact. Incredibly well done, because to do a second take to get it right would take so much effort.
Well worth it in every way.
Twidget 6/29/21
 Love you, too
"Two skits for the price of one!"
After finding out the hard way of what her contract contains for these skits, Lilly accidentally finds herself as the recipient of a lot of slime. Ellie mocks her misfortune, as wave after wave of slop engulf her friend. But... Ellie got away with saying the trigger words. Weeks later, The Wife is rambling about a trip she took, only to find Ellie getting obliterated with slime! She warns her friend that it never forgets, and then reminds her that Ellie got away with it in a previous sketch, only to get blasted again.
The 2nd half of the sketch can seriously be its own skit. The comedic timing, and the reactions, were that great.
There's a post-credit scene involving a few pies, and seeing who is the best at throwing them.
You can't go wrong with this skit. It's a must-see.
deadpool 6/21/21
 Love you, too
"In Which the Slime Gods Wreak Their Messy Havoc"
Lilly has such a pleasant, girl-next-door quality to her, that I could watch her be slimed all day. So it's cool to see all the crazy vibrant colors crash into and over her, culminating in a rainbow-like combo of everything that came before. Later, it's Ellie's turn for the slime gods to wreak their messy havoc upon her. She looks so sexy as it sloshes over her... there's also something extra humiliating about it getting on her glasses. The main video over, we are then treated to some behind-the-scenes messes. I guess it must be in Lilly's contract to take a pie at some point, haha--not that I'm complaining! Even better than that, though, is when she sits in the mess, pushing it back and forth with her cute bare feet. These girls have so much fun, it's contagious. Buy this clip so that it can rub off on you, too!
MudBathingBoi 6/13/21
 Love you, too
"An embarassment of riches."
I am a fan of these guys. Something about the mix of goofy comedy, thorough sloppings, and clever production really clicks for me. That said, this scene is a cut above; a triumph by high standards.
To go into everything about why it works so well would borderline constitute spoilers (which in an of itself is kind of fantastic). But it's not a spoiler to point to one of the major things that lifts these guys to the next level of producing; they are so damn inventive. Without a ton of gadgets and a big studio, they manage to keep pumping out scenes that pull-off surprises and genuine laughs. What I find so remarkable and impressive about it, is how well they are clearly using the resources available to them. Maybe it's nothing wholly revolutionary, but they can take advantage of their circumstances and do the kind of scenes that are seldom achieved elsewhere. Granted this is hard to get across while trying to preserve the surprises, but I think it's definitely worth it. Beyond some of the unexpected turns, even the "base" scene itself is up to their standard of excellence. As ever Lilly is excellent playing the hapless recipient, and her move of two-handed-scraping the goop off her head, tucking her sodden hair behind her ears, is among the best (and precious few) in the business.
GherdG 5/7/21