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"This is my favorite scene The Man and The Wife have done. Period."
I don't think I need to say any more than that. This hits almost all the right buttons for me. It's very reminiscent of some old piefightgirls videos with a similar inflatable filled with shaving cream that the Wife takes full advantage of, diving in and "slipping" over and over again, with The Man dunking her head in multiple times with her giggling and smiling the whole way through. If the %100 shaving cream coverage we're enough, several colorful pies added to the mix and delivered in various ways vary things up, and there are points where the Wife just laughs hysterically at some of the pie hits and you can hear The Man trying to contain his own laughter in the background. Relationship goals right there!
The chocolate splashing at the end is just... something. I can't even think of a word for it. It hits different, if you know what I mean. Even if you don't, just go buy this scene!
Make more videos like this, please! If I can suggest anything for next time, some chunky slime added to the mess accumulation in the shaving cream raft along with an overhead shot with The Wife laying back in it and sinking into it would be next level! But as it is now, this is still a must-buy in my book!
MarioFan64 2/8/22
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"The Pie-sidon Adventure!"
Well, here we are again! Me with a biiig smile on my face having watched a clip over 100 times, dedicating it all to memory in case we get a power cut and I need to entertain myself. I would say "this is my newest favourite video from my favourite couple", but... I mean, come on... Much like you all, in a week or two, they'll just release another video that will take that mantle. ;) and I am not complaining. I would massively recommend this to anyone who loves the following:
Head dunking in foam
Butt Pies
Beautifully radiant sexy woman
More head dunking in foam
Head dunking in foam, lifted up by the silky hair, pied in the face and then dunked face first again I cannot stress my love for this video enough. The wife's reactions are on point as always. Her outfit is so cute and... sorry for being so blunt, really hot! You can really experience the messy synergy between the couple in this video. Have I mentioned the excessive mess?! :D buy this now!
Nobody makes this sort of video very often, and even less make it with such flair. I truly love this video.
PiePermissionAtPlay 7/4/21
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"Beauty and Radiance Amidst the Ruination"
I'm a simple man. When I see an attractive lady faceplant in a pool full of foam, I click "Add to Cart." The attractive lady in this case, aka the Wife, takes dive after dive into said pool. She is as game as ever to get gloriously gunged, soon becoming completely covered, save for the soles of her feet, which the Man helpfully keeps clean for us to admire. Speaking of the Man, he is up to some delightfully dirty tricks, sending his poor partner repeatedly back into the pool's foamy embrace. If this were all that the video consisted of, I would recommend it without reservation. But the second part, if you can believe it, gets even better! The Wife is positively plastered with pies, the big gooey colorful kind that explode all over her. I must commend the Man for the enthusiasm with which he hurls them, as well as the Wife for having such good humor about taking them. But my absolute favorite moment occurs when he follows that up with a bucket of chocolate to her face and chest. It's an image only wam could produce: A woman whose visage has been utterly obliterated via various slimy substances, sitting stunned and humiliated, yet at the same time unbelievably beautiful and radiant amidst the ruination. It's the sort of contradictorily erotic sight that the fetish excels in, at its best. Two foamy fingers up!
MudBathingBoi 4/20/21
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"Falling in the Shaving Cream"
A cute, sexy, fun scene as The Wife is spanked into an inflatable pool filled with shaving cream. The Wife plays and dunks herself in the shaving cream again and again, trying to get out, only to be hit by cream pie after pie once she manages to sit up. Limited dialogue, but The Wife is clearly having a blast. As The Wife is, in what appears to be a first, only wearing lingerie, the force of the thrown pies and surprise chocolate drenching makes it hard for her to "contain her assets" as another reviewer has written. A fun, sexy scene that The Man and The Wife knock out of the ballpark.
Fireandice 3/19/21
 Love you, too
The hard chocolate dousing in this was amazing. I have never seen a dousing quite like that. Opened up a whole new world of excitement.
Pie Blaster 3/19/21